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Marking Out The House Boundary  -  March 2009


OK, now you would have thought that marking out a simple rectangle on the grass would be easy, oh no, of course it's not, for this job I purchased a long Tape Measure and a Builders Square, also some stakes and as you can see a lot of striped tape.


So firstly after doing some research on the Internet I discovered that we can only build up to 170 Sq M Before we need to engage the services of a French Architect (which is damned expensive, and we're on a tight budget), so we decided on a 14m x 12m house, which took us up to 168 Sq M, so that was OK.


We roughly marked out the 14m x 12m perimeter so it looked roughly square, then according to information I had, I need to use a 3 4 5 rule to get everything square, sounds easy, and I'm sure it is on paper, not quite so easy in the middle of a field with large measurements!

I got  one bit correct and the next was out, I'd get 2 corners correct and the others would be out, If I said it was driving me insane it would be an understatement. Finally after near enough an entire day we managed to get it spot on :-)


Job No 3 Done.

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