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Digging a Test Pit for the Fosse Septique Installation  -  March 2009


This job was relatively easy, although first we had to find out from SPANC what exactly we needed to do.

We arranged a meeting with SPANC over near Roumazieres-Loubert, and the chap we spoke to was very helpful, and it was handy that he spoke a little English (Jill does speak and write French but she is a little rusty at the moment).

He gave as all the information we needed and arranged a visit to our site for later on in the week.


On the return journey we came across a shop called "3mmm", so we popped in and had a look around, while I was there I purchased a shovel (as in the pictures), and got talking the the manager who spoke perfect English, it turned out he was married to a woman from Brighton, great piece of luck, and would be a deciding factor when ordering the building materials we would shortly need.

We got to know the manager so well, we used to get invited to some of his parties at his home over near Ruffec.


Upon returning to the plot, I started to dig a hole 50cm x 50cm x 50m, once that was done I had to fill it with water, then make a note of how much disappeared over the course of 24 hours, and report it to the chap from SPANC when he arrived.


A couple of days later the chap from SPANC arrived at the plot, however we were a bit worried because the water hadn't gone down at all, and we thought he was going to refuse us a Fosse, but we were worrying about nothing, apparently this was very common, and just told him what the land was made of, and instructed us accordingly, phew.....


Job No 4 Done.

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